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Privacy Policy

1. An overview of data protection


The following gives a simple overview of what happens to your personal information when you visit our website. Personal information is any data with which you could be personally identified. Detailed information on the subject of data protection can be found in our privacy policy found below.

Data collection on our website

Who is responsible for the data collection on this website?
The data collected on this website are processed by the website operator. The operator’s contact details can be found in the website’s required legal notice.

How do we collect your data?
Some data are collected when you provide it to us. This could, for example, be data you enter on a contact form.
Other data are collected automatically by our IT systems when you visit the website. These data are primarily technical data such as the browser and operating system you are using or when you accessed the page. These data are collected automatically as soon as you enter our website.

What do we use your data for?
Part of the data is collected to ensure the proper functioning of the website. Other data can be used to analyze how visitors use the site.

What rights do you have regarding your data?
You always have the right to request information about your stored data, its origin, its recipients, and the purpose of its collection at no charge. You also have the right to request that it be corrected, blocked, or deleted. You can contact us at any time using the address given in the legal notice if you have further questions about the issue of privacy and data protection. You may also, of course, file a complaint with the competent regulatory authorities.

Analytics and third-party tools

When visiting our website, statistical analyses may be made of your surfing behavior. This happens primarily using cookies and analytics. The analysis of your surfing behavior is usually anonymous, i.e. we will not be able to identify you from this data. You can object to this analysis or prevent it by not using certain tools. Detailed information can be found in the following privacy policy.
You can object to this analysis. We will inform you below about how to exercise your options in this regard.

2. General information and mandatory information

Data protection

The operators of this website take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal data as confidential and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this privacy policy.
If you use this website, various pieces of personal data will be collected. Personal information is any data with which you could be personally identified. This privacy policy explains what information we collect and what we use it for. It also explains how and for what purpose this happens.
Please note that data transmitted via the internet (e.g. via email communication) may be subject to security breaches. Complete protection of your data from third-party access is not possible.

Notice concerning the party responsible for this website

The party responsible for processing data on this website is:
Konradin-Verlag Robert Kohlhammer GmbH
Ernst-Mey-Str. 8
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Telefon: +49 711 7594-1810
The party responsible is the natural or legal person who alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data (e.g. names, e-mail addresses, etc.).

Revocation of your consent to the processing of your data

Many data processing operations are only possible with your express consent. You may revoke your consent at any time with future effect. An informal email making this request is sufficient. The data processed before we receive your request may still be legally processed.

Right to file complaints with regulatory authorities

If there has been a breach of data protection legislation, the person affected may file a complaint with the competent regulatory authorities. The competent regulatory authority for matters related to data protection legislation is the data protection officer of the German state in which our company is headquartered. A list of data protection officers and their contact details can be found at the following:

Right to data portability

You have the right to have data which we process based on your consent or in fulfillment of a contract automatically delivered to yourself or to a third party in a standard, machine-readable format. If you require the direct transfer of data to another responsible party, this will only be done to the extent technically feasible.

SSL or TLS encryption

This site uses SSL or TLS encryption for security reasons and for the protection of the transmission of confidential content, such as the inquiries you send to us as the site operator. You can recognize an encrypted connection in your browser’s address line when it changes from „http://“ to „https://“ and the lock icon is displayed in your browser’s address bar.
If SSL or TLS encryption is activated, the data you transfer to us cannot be read by third parties.

Information, blocking, deletion

As permitted by law, you have the right to be provided at any time with information free of charge about any of your personal data that is stored as well as its origin, the recipient and the purpose for which it has been processed. You also have the right to have this data corrected, blocked or deleted. You can contact us at any time using the address given in our legal notice if you have further questions on the topic of personal data.

Opposition to promotional emails

We hereby expressly prohibit the use of contact data published in the context of website legal notice requirements with regard to sending promotional and informational materials not expressly requested. The website operator reserves the right to take specific legal action if unsolicited advertising material, such as email spam, is received.

3. Data protection officer

Statutory data protection officer

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer for our company, as required by law. You may contact him/her by mail to the company address (see above) adding „z.Hd. Datenschutzbeauftragter“ or by e-mail

4. Data collection on our website


Some of our web pages use cookies. Cookies do not harm your computer and do not contain any viruses. Cookies help make our website more user-friendly, efficient, and secure. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and saved by your browser.
Most of the cookies we use are so-called „session cookies.“ They are automatically deleted after your visit. Other cookies remain in your device’s memory until you delete them. These cookies make it possible to recognize your browser when you next visit the site.
You can configure your browser to inform you about the use of cookies so that you can decide on a case-by-case basis whether to accept or reject a cookie. Alternatively, your browser can be configured to automatically accept cookies under certain conditions or to always reject them, or to automatically delete cookies when closing your browser. Disabling cookies may limit the functionality of this website.
Cookies which are necessary to allow electronic communications or to provide certain functions you wish to use (such as the shopping cart) are stored pursuant to Art. 6 paragraph 1, letter f of DSGVO. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the storage of cookies to ensure an optimized service provided free of technical errors. If other cookies (such as those used to analyze your surfing behavior) are also stored, they will be treated separately in this privacy policy.

Server log files

The website provider automatically collects and stores information that your browser automatically transmits to us in „server log files“. These are:

  • Browser type and browser version
  • Operating system used
  • Referrer URL
  • Host name of the accessing computer
  • Time of the server request
  • IP address

These data will not be combined with data from other sources.
The basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO, which allows the processing of data to fulfill a contract or for measures preliminary to a contract.

Contact form

Should you send us questions via the contact form, we will collect the data entered on the form, including the contact details you provide, to answer your question and any follow-up questions. We do not share this information without your permission.
We will, therefore, process any data you enter onto the contact form only with your consent per Art. 6 (1)(a) DSGVO. You may revoke your consent at any time. An informal email making this request is sufficient. The data processed before we receive your request may still be legally processed.
We will retain the data you provide on the contact form until you request its deletion, revoke your consent for its storage, or the purpose for its storage no longer pertains (e.g. after fulfilling your request). Any mandatory statutory provisions, especially those regarding mandatory data retention periods, remain unaffected by this provision.

Registration on this website to download additional offers

You can register on our website to use additional features on the site, such as downloading whitepapers and webinars. The data entered for this purpose will only be used for the use of the respective offer or service for which you have registered. The mandatory information requested at registration must be provided in full. Otherwise, we will reject the registration.
To process the order, we store your IP address and all data requested in the shopping cart fields.
For important changes, such as in the scope of offers or for technically necessary changes, we use the email address provided at registration to inform you in this way.
The processing of the data entered at registration is based on your consent (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR). You can revoke your consent at any time. An informal email to us is sufficient. The legality of the data processing carried out before the revocation remains unaffected.
The registration of the affected person with voluntary provision of personal data allows the data controller to offer the person content or services that can only be offered to registered users due to the nature of the matter. Registered persons are free to change the personal data specified at registration at any time or to have it completely deleted from the data stock of the controller.

5. Analytics and advertising

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service. It is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.
Google Analytics uses so-called „cookies“. These are text files that are stored on your computer and that allow an analysis of the use of the website by you. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there.
Google Analytics cookies are stored based on Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. The website operator has a legitimate interest in analyzing user behavior to optimize both its website and its advertising.

IP anonymization
We have activated the IP anonymization feature on this website. Your IP address will be shortened by Google within the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area prior to transmission to the United States. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity, and to provide other services regarding website activity and Internet usage for the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with any other data held by Google.

Browser Plugin
You can prevent these cookies being stored by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. However, we wish to point out that doing so may mean you will not be able to enjoy the full functionality of this website. You can also prevent the data generated by cookies about your use of the website (incl. your IP address) from being passed to Google, and the processing of these data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link:

Outsourced data processing
You can prevent the collection of your data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. An opt-out cookie will be set to prevent your data from being collected on future visits to this website: Google Analytics deaktivieren
You can find more information on how Google Analytics handles user data in Google’s privacy policy:

Order data processing
We have concluded a contract with Google for commissioned data processing and fully implement the strict requirements of the German data protection authorities when using Google Analytics.

Demographic data collection by Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics‘ demographic features. This allows reports to be generated containing statements about the age, gender, and interests of site visitors. This data comes from interest-based advertising from Google and third-party visitor data. This collected data cannot be attributed to any specific individual person. You can disable this feature at any time by adjusting the ads settings in your Google account or you can forbid the collection of your data by Google Analytics as described in the section „Refusal of data collection“.

Matomo (formerly Piwik)

This website uses the open source web analysis service Matomo. Matomo uses so-called “cookies”. These are text files that are stored on your computer and enable your use of the website to be analyzed. For this purpose, the information generated by the cookie about the use of this website is stored on our server. The IP address is anonymized before storage.
Matomo cookies remain on your end device until you delete them.
Matomo cookies are stored based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the anonymized analysis of user behaviour in order to optimize both its website and its advertising.
The information generated by the cookie about the use of this website is not passed on to third parties. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.
If you do not agree with the storage and use of your data, you can deactivate the storage and use here. In this case, an opt-out cookie is stored in your browser that prevents Matomo from storing usage data. If you delete your cookies, the Matomo opt-out cookie will also be deleted. The opt-out must be reactivated when you visit our site again.
Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Matomo can be found at

Google reCAPTCHA

We use „Google reCAPTCHA“ (hereinafter „reCAPTCHA“) on our websites. This service is provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA („Google“).
reCAPTCHA is used to check whether the data entered on our website (such as on a contact form) has been entered by a human or by an automated program. To do this, reCAPTCHA analyzes the behavior of the website visitor based on various characteristics. This analysis starts automatically as soon as the website visitor enters the website. For the analysis, reCAPTCHA evaluates various information (e.g. IP address, how long the visitor has been on the website, or mouse movements made by the user). The data collected during the analysis will be forwarded to Google.
The reCAPTCHA analyses take place completely in the background. Website visitors are not advised that such an analysis is taking place.
Data processing is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. The website operator has a legitimate interest in protecting its site from abusive automated crawling and spam.
For more information about Google reCAPTCHA and Google’s privacy policy, please visit the following links: and

B2B Media Group EMEA GmbH

We work together with B2B Media Group EMEA GmbH, a provider of web analytics and target group marketing. B2B Media Group EMEA GmbH uses so-called cookies, a text file that is stored in the computer’s browser and collects/contains anonymous usage data. This data can be used to create user profiles under a pseudonym. However, no personal data is collected without the consent of the person concerned. If IP addresses are collected, they are stored anonymously by deleting the last number block and are not merged with the cookies. The cookies are either B2B Media Group EMEA GmbH cookies or cookies from service providers who are also obliged to comply with data protection regulations and who are used by B2B Media Group EMEA GmbH, such as krux digital Inc. and Google Inc. You can delete cookies directly in your browser at any time. B2B Media Group EMEA GmbH uses this data to evaluate the use of the website by visitors and for the purpose of usage-based online advertising (OBA).

Deployment and use of the scalable central measurement method of INFOnline GmbH

Unsere Webseite nutzt das Messverfahren („SZMnG“) der INFOnline GmbH ( zur Ermittlung statistischer Kennwerte über die Nutzung unserer Angebote. Ziel der Nutzungsmessung ist es, die Anzahl der Besuche auf unserer Website, die Anzahl der Websitebesucher und deren Surfverhalten statistisch – auf Basis eines einheitlichen Standardverfahrens – zu bestimmen und somit marktweit vergleichbare Werte zu erhalten.
Für alle Digital-Angebote, die Mitglied der Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e.V. (IVW – sind oder an den Studien der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online-Forschung e.V. (AGOF – teilnehmen, werden die Nutzungsstatistiken regelmäßig von der AGOF und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Media-Analyse e.V. (agma – zu Reichweiten weiter verarbeitet und mit dem Leistungswert „Unique User“ veröffentlicht sowie von der IVW mit den Leistungswerten „Page Impression“ und „Visits“. Diese Reichweiten und Statistiken können auf den jeweiligen Webseiten eingesehen werden.

1. Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung
Die Messung mittels des Messverfahrens SZMnG durch die INFOnline GmbH erfolgt mit berechtigtem Interesse nach Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO.
Zweck der Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten ist die Erstellung von Statistiken und die Bildung von Nutzerkategorien. Die Statistiken dienen dazu, die Nutzung unseres Angebots nachvollziehen und belegen zu können. Die Nutzerkategorien bilden die Grundlage für eine interessengerechte Ausrichtung von Werbemitteln bzw. Werbemaßnahmen. Zur Vermarktung dieser Webseite ist eine Nutzungsmessung, welche eine Vergleichbarkeit zu anderen Marktteilnehmern gewährleistet, unerlässlich. Unser berechtigtes Interesse ergibt sich aus der wirtschaftlichen Verwertbarkeit der sich aus den Statistiken und Nutzerkategorien ergebenden Erkenntnisse und dem Marktwert unserer Webseite – auch in direktem Vergleich mit Webseiten Dritter – der sich anhand der Statistiken ermitteln lässt.
Darüber hinaus haben wir ein berechtigtes Interesse daran, die pseudonymisierten Daten der INFOnline, der AGOF und der IVW zum Zwecke der Marktforschung (AGOF, agma) und für statistische Zwecke (INFOnline, IVW) zur Verfügung zu stellen. Weiterhin haben wir ein berechtigtes Interesse daran, die pseudonymisierten Daten der INFOnline zur Weiterentwicklung und Bereitstellung interessengerechter Werbemittel zur Verfügung zu stellen.

2. Art der Daten
Die INFOnline GmbH erhebt die folgenden Daten, welche nach EU – DSGVO einen Personenbezug aufweisen:

  • IP address: On the Internet, every device requires a unique address, the so-called IP address, to transmit data. The at least short-term storage of the IP address is technically necessary due to the way the Internet works. The IP addresses are shortened by 1 byte before any processing and only processed further in anonymized form. There is no storage or further processing of the unabridged IP addresses.
  • A randomly generated client identifier: Range processing uses either a cookie with the identifier “”, a “Local Storage Object” or a signature created from various automatically transmitted information from your browser to recognize computer systems. This identifier is unique for a browser as long as the cookie or local storage object is not deleted. It is therefore also possible to measure the data and subsequently assign it to the respective client identifier if you visit other websites that also use INFOnline GmbH’s measurement procedure (“SZMnG”). The validity of the cookie is limited to a maximum of 1 year.

3. Use of the data
INFOnline GmbH’s measurement method, which is used on this website, determines usage data. This is done in order to collect the performance values page impressions, visits and clients and to form further key figures from this (e.g. qualified clients). In addition, the measured data is used as follows:

  • A so-called geolocalization, i.e. the assignment of a website call to the location of the call, is carried out exclusively on the basis of the anonymized IP address and only up to the geographical level of the federal states / regions. Under no circumstances can the geographical information obtained in this way be used to draw conclusions about the specific location of a user.
  • The usage data of a technical client (e.g. a browser on a device) is merged across websites and stored in a database. This information is used for the technical estimation of the socio-information age and gender and transferred to the AGOF service providers for further reach processing. As part of the AGOF study, socio-characteristics are technically estimated on the basis of a random sample, which can be assigned to the following categories: Age, gender, nationality, occupation, marital status, general household information, household income, place of residence, Internet use, online interests, place of use, user type.

4. Storage duration of the data
The full IP address is not stored by INFOnline GmbH. The shortened IP address is stored for a maximum of 60 days.The usage data in connection with the unique identifier is stored for a maximum of 6 months.

5. Passing on the data
The IP address and the shortened IP address are not passed on. For the preparation of the AGOF study, data with client identifiers is passed on to the following AGOF service providers:

6. Rights of the data subject
The data subject has the following rights:

  • Right of access (Art. 15 GDPR)
  • Right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR)
  • Right to object (Art. 21 GDPR)
  • Right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR)
  • Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 et seq. GDPR)
  • Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR)

Right to object

If you do not wish to participate in the measurement, you can object by clicking on the following link:
In order to guarantee exclusion from measurement, it is technically necessary to set a cookie. If you delete the cookies in your browser, it is necessary to repeat the opt-out process using the above link.
The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority. Further information on data protection in the measurement process can be found on the website of INFOnline GmbH (, which operates the measurement process, the data protection website of AGOF ( and the data protection website of IVW (

You can revoke your consent to the sending of the newsletter at any time, for example via the “Unsubscribe” link in the newsletter.
The data protection measures are always subject to technical updates, which is why we ask you to inform yourself about our data protection measures at regular intervals by consulting our privacy policy.

6. Plugins und Tools


Our website uses plugins from YouTube, which is operated by Google. The operator of the pages is YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.
If you visit one of our pages featuring a YouTube plugin, a connection to the YouTube servers is established. Here the YouTube server is informed about which of our pages you have visited.
If you’re logged in to your YouTube account, YouTube allows you to associate your browsing behavior directly with your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.
YouTube is used to help make our website appealing. This constitutes a justified interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO.
Further information about handling user data, can be found in the data protection declaration of YouTube under

Google Web Fonts

For uniform representation of fonts, this page uses web fonts provided by Google. When you open a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into your browser cache to display texts and fonts correctly.
For this purpose your browser has to establish a direct connection to Google servers. Google thus becomes aware that our web page was accessed via your IP address. The use of Google Web fonts is done in the interest of a uniform and attractive presentation of our website. This constitutes a justified interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO.
If your browser does not support web fonts, a standard font is used by your computer.
Further information about handling user data, can be found at and in Google’s privacy policy at

Google Maps

This site uses the Google Maps map service via an API. It is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.
To use Google Maps, it is necessary to save your IP address. This information is generally transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The provider of this site has no influence on this data transfer.
The use of Google Maps is in the interest of making our website appealing and to facilitate the location of places specified by us on the website. This constitutes a justified interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO.
Further information about handling user data, can be found in the data protection declaration of Google at

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